Friday, February 10, 2006

Progressives unite: A far fetched resolution

I have been collecting addresses of interesting blogs for a while in order to update the list on your right. But one blog that I have to tell you about right away is “A far fetched resolution”. Just read the “About me”:
I'm a political hack on an away day, taking a brief sojourn in academia with a view to making an honest man of myself. Bored enough to think that sharing my thoughts with the world might be interesting. DisLikes: the loopy left of the cult-like factional kind, Liberal Democrats, the Conservative party and ideology and everything they stand for, Consensus. Likes: The city of Liverpool my home (spiritual and sometimes temporal), the Labour Party in all it's manifestations (at least most of them), my cat, a good argument, wine, pubs.
I did not know about the cat, but something is telling me that this blog will combine hilarious reflections with sharp political analysis. Go on and bookmark/add to your link list right away!


Blogger Eric Sundström said...

Yepp, things are well, election year AND world cup is always crazy. But I hope to make it to Britain soon again.

13/2/06 18:33  

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