Moz is coming to town

I have not seen Morrissey live for quite a few years and I am very much looking forward to the new album, released the day after the concert in Stockholm, and the show. The new album was recorded in Italy last autumn, the title is “Ringleader Of The Tormentors”, and the first single, "You Have Killed Me", will soon be played at a radio station close to you.
Regarding the album I just found a sneak review of it at The Guardian’s blog (entry written by Caspar Llewellyn Smith):
In the next issue of the Music Monthly (published 19 February), there's a review of the forthcoming Morrissey album - which carries the snappy title 'Ringleader of the Tormentors'.Sounds good to me, and the fact that Dylan’s classic album “Blood on the tracks” is mentioned in the review should be a good sign. Soon it’s Spring, and Moz is coming to town...
As you can see from this little taster, Paul Morley quite liked it:
'Ringleader is the story of a life all his other songs have only hinted at - it has a kind of exhilarating, intimate Blood on the Tracks suddenness the way it appears after years of him never quite out-doing his early classic work and sometimes seemingly trapped inside his own myth. From the day he was born, through the streets of Manchester, out into the mean world of sinister places and demanding people, to the day he never actually died - it's all here. Fans of Morrissey, and maybe a few enemies, will have all their prayers answered - a whole album of songs that rock, drone and swing in the way his best songs - Smiths or not - do between the strangely familiar and the completely unfamiliar...'
(Photo of Moz in Rome from True to you)
I wrote a long comment, asking for a ranking of the best Moz solo albums, but it disappeared somehow.
Anyway, for Eric and all other Hornby fans - which Morrissey record should I buy first?
(As a hint of my taste, I hold Cemetry Gates, There's A Light and A Rush And A Push as the best Smiths tunes.)
I would say "Vauxhall and I", without doubt. With "You are the Quarry" coming in as number two. Welcome to the Moz-world, considering going to the concert?
I've fanatically followed the Smiths and later Morrissey since -85-86 and I think that Morrissey is even better as a soloartist than he was in The Smiths. I know that I will get a fatwah from other Smiths fans now but it's true, (even in a objective point of view). ;-)
I think that both Maladjusted and "My Early Burglury Years" are underestimated. His first solo LP Viva Hate is also really good.
I'm going to the Gothenburg and Stockholm concerts.
You might get a fatwah from some people ;-) but I can agree that some of the Morrissey-stuff is right up there with the music that The Smiths brought us (especially "Vauxhall and I"). I would not put Morrissey above The Smiths though - yet. We will see what the new record and the new tour will bring.
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