Bad news from Canada, the US, and Holland
My morning did not start that good: the radio told me right away that Canadians elected Tory Party leader Stephen Harper as their next prime minister. His platform: better relations with George W. Bush, tax cuts and more money to the military. He has also said he might have Parliament revisit a previous decision in Canada that allows same-sex marriages. If I lived in Canada, not that of a long shot since they love ice hockey, snow and timber as we Swedes do, he would never get my vote.
The day went on and then I heard Republicans call Supreme Court hopeful Samuel Alito "one of the most qualified nominees ever". Since all ten Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee stand behind this statement, the committee will give him a positive recommendation (there are only eight Democrats on the committee).
And now I just read that the Dutch Minister of migration, a Rita Verdonk of the “liberal" party VVD, has said that only one language shall be spoken on the streets of the Netherlands (and that language is Dutch, of course).
The Minister’s idea is that immigrants should be obliged to pay a fee, in order to then take a compulsory language and culture test. In Amsterdam you have some 173 nationalities and 24 million tourists every year. Are we supposed to have study groups on the Belgian side of the border together?
The day went on and then I heard Republicans call Supreme Court hopeful Samuel Alito "one of the most qualified nominees ever". Since all ten Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee stand behind this statement, the committee will give him a positive recommendation (there are only eight Democrats on the committee).
And now I just read that the Dutch Minister of migration, a Rita Verdonk of the “liberal" party VVD, has said that only one language shall be spoken on the streets of the Netherlands (and that language is Dutch, of course).
The Minister’s idea is that immigrants should be obliged to pay a fee, in order to then take a compulsory language and culture test. In Amsterdam you have some 173 nationalities and 24 million tourists every year. Are we supposed to have study groups on the Belgian side of the border together?
Well, Eric, maybe it is not only luck that brought our yearly benelux meeting on the Belgian side of the border in 2006...
I catch the occasion on these last days of january to wish you all the best for the coming year, in politics as well as in professional life - not to mention the most important: whatever doesn't fall into the two previous categories...
red regards,
Thanks Brian, the same to you!
PS Nice website you have in MJS Belgium!
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Apakah kalau-kalau udu kamu Bandar poker online kembali mempunyai formula kusus pun pada memihak tiap-tiap set permainan.
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Bisa saja telah tidak Situs judi online sedikit yg memahami tipe permainan ini.
Untuk permainan ini tiap-tiap pemain dapat meraih 2 card yg bakal dibagikan dengan cara acak untuk tiap-tiap pemain.
Royal flush adalah susunan kartu tertinggi dengan gambar yang sama.
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Guna memastikan pemain yg menang dalam putaran yaitu bersama menyaksikan apa 2 buah card tersebut.
Straight yaitu 5 card bersama tata Mandiri domino konsekutif melainkan dgn gambar yg berbeda.
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Straight yaitu 5 card bersama tata Daftar pasarqq bersambungan malahan dgn gambar yg berbeda.
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Straight merupakan 5 card bersama Daftar memberqq tertib berturut-turut melainkan dgn gambar yg berbeda.
Colombia vs greece : 2.01 win; Uruguay vs kosta rica : 1.89 win; England vs italia : 1.96 win; Germany vs japan : 2.02 draw.
Tiap-tiap pemain dapat dibagikan 2 card pertama di tiap-tiap putaran.
Malahan pahami dulu apakah card seteru mempunyai merger yg lebih akbar atau tidak.
Sekarang ini tengah gimana metode 'memainkannya' supaya jadi kemenangan.
Guna mengerti sepertinya card lawan.
Buat peraturan terkandung mesti kita kuasai justru dahulu.
Bila ada gertakan akbar, fold yaitu trick yg aman.
Demikian meskipun, bila card yg didapat yakni card mungil (2,3,4,5).
Flush yakni 5 card bersama kaidah acak padahal dgn gambar yg sama.
Terkadang ada tandingan yg menyia-nyiakan kita guna masuk di 'perangkapnya' dan lagi wirawan bagi ikutin raise kita diwaktu di gertak.
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Tunggulah card meja terbongkar satu per satu.
Kalau ada gertakan akbar, fold yakni trik yg aman.
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Straight flush merupakan perkara card terendah dgn gambar yg sama.
Bagi card ini mesti legal – sempurna kita pikirkan sebaik baiknya situs asikqq sebelum mulai sejak permainan selanjutannya.
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