Bruce is coming to town

On the 20th of May a very good friend of mine has a birthday party. And on the same day, two other friends (both Kurds) have a huge party celebrating their marriage. Naturally, I would have spent that day with my friend and then dancing at the Kurdish wedding party - however missing the concert with Bruce and the Seeger Sessions Band.
Now it turns out that Bruce plays in Oslo on the 20th of May, and in my hometown on the 21st. Perfect. The record "We Shall Overcome - The Seeger Sessions", will be released on the 24th of April.
Sommarens verkliga konserthändelse sker något senare :-)
Som jag svarade hos dig:
Springsteen och hans band (17 musiker!) spelar i alla fall på riktiga instrument. Som Bono sa när Pet Shop Boys spelade in en av U2s sånger på en dator: "What have I, what have I, what have I done to deserve this...". :-)
/Eric, kanske gammaldags men tycker att rock'n'roll känns mer i hjärta, hjärna och mage.
PS Fast Jonas, jag kan förstå att det är roligt att skoja om "Springsteen I'm working on a highway sossar". Som en amerikansk tjejkompis sa till mig en gång när jag tjatade om Liverpool och Labour: "Eric, I cannot understand your fascination for the British working class. You are neither"...
I wish Madonna would come too but she always boycots Sweden it seems (this was reported at the same time as the happy news about Springsteen).
I have to admit, as a BIG fan of recent Bruce Springsteen songs, I haven't piked up the Seeger Sessions yet. I really do like cover songs in moderation, but I wasn't sure that I could go a whole album without a Springsteen original. Maybe I'll give it a shot...
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