Thursday, September 28, 2006

Time to just relax one weekend

I have had a busy week, discussing why the election went the way it did with (for example) Timbro’s Maria Rankka at Canal 7, the information unit at LO, and the (s)tudent club Sapere Aude. You can read my basic analysis in English below.

I will translate my thoughts about what the Social Democratic party needs to do now into English and list them here early next week. But before that, I am going to Italy with Emma for a mini vacation. Time to just relax and eat great food for a weekend, so see y’all early next week.

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In Italy I plan to meet up with a blogger who wrote a very good election analysis and a road map for the way forward. Read Bengtsson's analysis here.

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Saw two decent Swedish films last weekend; “Kim Novak badade aldrig i Genesarets sjö” and “Den bästa av mödrar/Mother of mine”. I actually liked the first one best.

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Guess what did arrive on my doormat a couple of days after we lost the election? Season seven (the last one) of The West Wing. Thank you God, NBC, and Amazon UK for excellent planning.


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