Friday, September 09, 2005

A new party in Swedish politics?

This weekend a new feminist party, Fi, might/will be formed in Sweden. I really hope this can lead to increased gender equality, a better debate with loads of inspiring policy proposals, but also that the SAP will intensify its work with these important issues. Still, even though it is by no means enough, let us not forget some of the achievements since the SAP won the election in 1994:
  • Percentage of women working full time has increased from 59 to 65.
  • Percentage of women with children being unemployed is down from 7 to 5.
  • Number of women at universities has increased by 57% (however, 9 out of 10 professors are still men).
  • Persecution due to gender (or sexual orientation) gives you status as a refugee.
  • Number of women in public/state regional board of directors has increased from 34% to 50%.
  • Number of women in public/state board of directors has increased from 28% to 41%.
  • Number of women in private board of directors has increased from 5% to 15% (still waaaay to low, but anyway).
OK, I know that these are just figures and that the real power still is controlled by the normal, white, middle-aged/pretty old elite. But things are slowly getting better, they should be getting better even faster, I welcome the debate but must also underline that a conservative government after the election 2006 would turn back the clock some 30 years... at least.

PS If you would like to see a brilliant little ad about gender equality (in English), click here, then click on "Aktuellt", scroll all the way down and click on "Klicka här för att se filmen". Enjoy!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Florida lawmakers want FEMA to spell out rubble rules
WASHINGTON Two congressmen from South Florida on Thursday called on FEMA to clarify its rules on paying for hurricane-related debris removal from private property.
Cool blog you got here. If you get the time be sure to check my working from home site

9/9/05 17:10  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Intressant att notera är att moderaterna nu sagt att de inom kort ska utse en talesperson för jämställdhetsfrågor - den första i partiets historia (vem det blir återstår att se - det är ju inte direkt någon som känns given). Detta samtidigt som de säger sig vara positiva till vårnadsbidrag OCH vill sänka skatten för den förälder med lägst lön då denna tar ut föräldraledigheten. Man vänder visst kappan efter alla vindar....

9/9/05 20:21  
Blogger Eric Sundström said...

Moderaternas talesperson tror jag blir Johanna Möllerström i Sumpan, "frihetsfeminist", pluggar på Handels och SU, har fått ta debatter med bland annat Nalin. Om jag får gissa.

12/9/05 09:52  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

For better accuracy, replace "some of the achievements since the SAP won the election in 1994" with "the social evolution during the years in office". Or please tell us of all the inclusive/affirmative/... programmes we've failed to notice. And employment rate totally does not file under your achievments, even by the Social Democratic way of counting.

And in reply to talk of the so called conservatives (cons are truely marginalised in today's Swedish politics) turning back the clock, evolution will not be rewound.

13/9/05 20:37  

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