Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Guessing again about the Nobel Prize…

To discuss who should get the Nobel Prize in literature feels pretty pointless from my point of view (I still think Galbraith was a great name for the prize in economics though). Probably the best solution would be to give it to a really good author (I mean a really good author, not a weird poet somewhere) who preferably not is an older man from the west (a woman again would be great).

But if the Swedish Academy would like to go populist (i.e. authors I have heard of/like), here are some suggestions: Bob Dylan (of course, it is me writing, and his memoars are great), Joyce Carol Oates (very good, but too well known?), Orhan Pamuk (I have never read him, but this would put more light on reforms in Turkey), Tomas Tranströmer (wrong nationality?), or Philip Roth (who I have not read yet, but Henrik keeps ranting about him, and I read his name in the speculations, and he is supposed to have an interesting political touch). But most probably it will be someone else, as always.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Den isbelagda älven glittrar och tiger.
Skuggorna ligger djupt här
utan röst.

Mina steg hit var explosioner i marken
som tystnaden övermålar

Ge priset till Tranströmer!

13/10/05 08:15  

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