Saturday, November 04, 2006

A sort of homecoming

Coming ”home” to DC is always great; yesterday Jim picked me up at the airport, then we had Mexican food with a group of friends at Haydee’s in Mount Pleasant, followed by some beers at Stetson’s and Rumba Café.

Watched the McLaughlin Group all morning and the general agreement was that the Democrats will win the House, while the Senate is still too close to call (great overview here). Just saw Harold Ford on MSNBC and his race and the races in Virginia, Missouri, Maryland and Montana will decide this. On Monday I will visit a rally featuring Jim Webb and Bill Clinton in Virginia.

Now it is time for a BBQ at Lukas’ place with all my old friends. I will have to work/write a lot the coming week, but tonight will be pure fun. (And of course, I hope Notre Dame will win the college football game we will watch on TV. It's President Bartlet's team, after all).

* * *

Finished Philp Roth’s “The plot against America” on the plane over and I can highly recommend it. I wrote a review that will be published in AiP soon.


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