Friday, November 17, 2006

Summing up and moving on

Has forgotten to link to my editorial and main story from the US Elections. There will be a follow up in the paper on Monday (a column and an article).

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If you ever have doubted that Fox is Republican, read this. And Amy Poehler on Saturday Night Live's ”Weekend Update” had a right on the spot summary of the US election: “In an ironic turnaround, Iraq brought regime change to the US”. [Thanks Peter K]

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We have a Services Directive in the EU, described as a Cinderella story by the trade unions. Good summary in Swedish here.

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This ploy with Swedish Enterprise is just hilarious. [Through Håkan]

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I am becoming addicted to YouTube. Cannot help it when you find old Letterman classics such as this.

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Will, naturally, spend quite some time at ”Socialistiskt Forum” tomorrow Saturday. I am in a panel about the left and the media at 10.00 am.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Och nu finns du också på youtube. Take care!

19/11/06 16:33  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gah,,,,caro eric, det was bara so urkul to see that the vind was wending....
soendagens basta skratt./Jag ska skicka ett datumfoerslag foer att traeffas i jul!

3/12/06 12:35  

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