Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Looks good...

We won the House, the Senate seems to end 50-49 (depends on Missouri and Montana), and thus Virginia will decide if we get a majority in the Senate as well. First short analysis soon at [in Swedish].


Blogger Marcus Friberg said...

"We won", anser du demokraterna representera socialdemokraterna i någon fråga alls?

8/11/06 13:04  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well.. Marcus, if you vote for the greens in U.S you are just plain stupid. Sorry...

It´s 2 serious alternatives in U.S politics.
Probably the libertarian party ( 13%?) is bigger then the green ( 2% ? )?

Democrats are more socialdemocrats then the Repiblicans.. probably many in the democratic party like the swedish model, the health service shuld be very intresting for a country that spend so much on health services.

If the green candidat last last elecion didnt was such a idelist Bush would not have won.

8/11/06 14:46  
Blogger Eric Sundström said...

Jo, jag tycker att det finns en stor gemensam värdegrund mellan svenska och europeiska sossar och USAs demokrater. Ett exempel är att Europasossarnas ordförande Poul Nyrup Rasmussen har skickat ett pressmeddelande som gratulerar till segern. Ett annat exempel är att Howard Dean kommer till Europasossarnas kongress i december. Sedan finns det naturligtvis skillnader också, vilket inte är så konstigt givet USAs historia och politiska system.

8/11/06 15:22  
Blogger Martin Tollén said...

Jag har ar i Denver i Colorado och har kampanjat for demokraterna dar. Demokraterna ar ett parti som om mojligt ar annu bredare an de svenska socialdemokraterna. Jag kanner att jag och mina amerikanska kamrater i stort sett ar overens om i vilken riktning USA borde rora sig. Ser vi dessutom pa var till exempel kongressledamoten Diana DeGette fran Denver star i politiska fragor sa skulle jag mycket val kunna rosta pa henne aven om hon kandiderade i Sverige.

8/11/06 16:41  
Blogger pvnam_3 said...

«««««« mini .------. spam»»»»»»
--- Don't be Idiots!!!
--- The way to go... it isn't 'lick-the-boots' to the Majority of the Europeans!
--- The way to go... it is 'make war' against the White Parasite... i.e., the ETHNIC SEPARATISM (division of the countries):
(... before being too late...)
-1- space (50%) of Total Competition (for Globalization-Lovers);
-2- another space (50%) of Natural Reserve: for the preservation of Natives Ethnic Identity.
{ see: 50-separatism-50 }

NOTE 1: The Space of Total Competition (50%)... will be for the Europeans (the majority: i.e., White Parasite)... that... want to be in the Parasite-Enjoy ... i.e.:
-1- they claim to enjoy immigrant servile labour at 'price of rain';
-2- they claim to enjoy the existence of persons to pay the retirement pension [ in spite of... they doesn't make a Society where exist Demographic Renewal!!! ]

NOTE 2: The Space of Natural Reserve (50%)... will be for the Europeans (a minority)... whom they intend to be in the Planet - with dignity, courage and determination - fighting for the Survival of his Ethnic Identity.

9/11/06 00:39  

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