Work, and then France

Anyway, the world of politics moves on towards 2007, and I guess we are all keeping our eyes on Somalia and Ethiopia (read BBCs basic overview here).
I also note that Svenska Dagbladet has read some blogs, something that made them realize that there is a Social Democratic discussion about the election defeat online. Great. But there is a formal debate in the party as well, we have been publishing a couple of articles a week about “what to do know” in Aktuellt i Politiken. See for yourself here, and then browse around the debate pages.
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The ailing Senator of South Dakota, Tim Johnson, seems to be doing somewhat better. Hang in there, Senator Johnson.
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And if you have been wondering if James Brown was any important to the world of music, read Andres Lokko today (not online yet, but check out here).
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Finally, rumors are saying that Liverpool FC is about to sign a Swede who is only 16 years old. If he will score goals and increase the level of attention for Liverpool FC in Swedish media, we would catch two birds with one stone.
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