Election watch: What’s going on?
“Swedish Watergate”: It is now cleat that the press secretary of Liberal Youth (Luf), who seems to have a quiet central position in the Liberal Party Headquarters, has done infringements into the Social Democratic Party’s intranet. Another member of Liberal Youth also seems to be involved. The police are apparently conducting house searches right now.
I have no idea where this incident will end. The most ridiculous thing I have read so far is various blog-accusations suggesting that the Social Democratic should have tried to time the occurrence of this “Swedish Watergate”. I think this incident is way above any level of “political spinning”, and I just hope that politics will be in the center of the debate again soon. One example that I would love to see all over the news instead: the meeting of Nordic Social Democratic Foreign Ministers today [read Mats Engström’s blog about that meeting here].
Guess you have all heard that Rumsfeld has compared Iraq war critics to Hitler appeasers!!? Watch and hear his statement here, and read an insightful remark spelling out the difference between Robert McNamara and Donald Rumsfeld here.
Been some time since you thought about democracy related to the Iowa caucuses? Article here.
After having some hopes about an international peace keeping force to Darfur, the situation seems to be heading from bad to worse. Article in The Economist here.
I don’t remember where and with whom I first saw it – and my memory normally scares people – but yesterday Emma and I watched the fantastic movie “Donnie Brasco” for a second time. If I still like it? Forget about it…
I have no idea where this incident will end. The most ridiculous thing I have read so far is various blog-accusations suggesting that the Social Democratic should have tried to time the occurrence of this “Swedish Watergate”. I think this incident is way above any level of “political spinning”, and I just hope that politics will be in the center of the debate again soon. One example that I would love to see all over the news instead: the meeting of Nordic Social Democratic Foreign Ministers today [read Mats Engström’s blog about that meeting here].
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Guess you have all heard that Rumsfeld has compared Iraq war critics to Hitler appeasers!!? Watch and hear his statement here, and read an insightful remark spelling out the difference between Robert McNamara and Donald Rumsfeld here.
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Been some time since you thought about democracy related to the Iowa caucuses? Article here.
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After having some hopes about an international peace keeping force to Darfur, the situation seems to be heading from bad to worse. Article in The Economist here.
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