Our article in
AiP about Margot Wallström’s last and final “no” did get a lot of attention; it is not always our paper is featured on the 19:00 news (see picture). Also, my
editorial has been quoted/referred to in Dagens Nyheter [not online] and
Expressen. Yesterday I talked about the whole process on public radio (
Studio Ett) with the chairwoman of the election board, Lena Hjelm-Wallén.
So, let me just make clear that I think
Lena Hjelm-Wallén has done a great job so far. The process has been opened up and is rather transparent. What I have been questioning is that the process still is quite strange and far from perfect, and how it might be improved in the future. That is a very important discussion.
But Lena Hjelm-Wallén might have had a
brilliant plan: She opened up the process, the party spoke and it supported Margot even stronger than expected. Imagine if this – the party standing up as one person – had convinced Margot to become party leader. Then Lena Hjelm-Wallén would have been
Swede of the year, at least for us Social Democrats.
* * *

Went to the theater with Emma yesterday and finally saw “
Jösses flickor - återkomsten”. Very good indeed, even if four hours are too long. The first half, about the struggle for voting rights and the first and second wave of feminism, was rather basic if you know your political history.
The second half, in which gender was mixed with other dimensions of structural discrimination such as ethnicity, sexual orientation and impairment, was very good. If you have not seen it, do so before the 10th of June.