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Politics, music and football from a center-left perspective. Often in English since I believe in a global social democratic movement, but also due to the years as a student in Scotland, France, Italy and the US. Don’t hold my employer, or not even Liverpool FC, accountable for the views and thoughts. Enjoy!
[The] European social democratic party leaders meeting in Sofia pledged to give their full support for EU membership of all the countries of the Western Balkans – and to take concrete steps to increase regional cooperation through closer links between social democratic parties in the region. […]I have written about the soft power of the EU before, and this a perfect example of a declaration full of solidarity, that also will encourage reform in the Balkans.
PES President Poul Nyrup Rasmussen, said “This was not just another meeting but a new start. European social democratic leaders want to be in the forefront of building permanent peace and prosperity in the Balkans. This journey must have EU membership as its goal, although the road will not be easy.
Napolitano had, like a Pope, to wait until the fourth round until he was elected president. Berlusconi could not accept a person characterized by tradition, the left culture of the people, and a deep belief in Europe.In conclusion: We won, "berlusconismo" is over, and the World Cup is around the corner. La vita è bella, anyone?
Moreover, for Berlusconi, with all his TV-armies, equipped with foolish commercialism, Napolitano's literary and cultural education must appear to be frightening.
After the weekend, Prodi will present the new government. The change of government will follow. Italy will be civilized.
Then Italy will win the World Cup. Just like in 1982, when Sandro Pertini, socialist and deported anti-fascist, was head of state.